Teacher Tube

Teacher Tube Videos

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Teacher Tube Videos

To the right of the page you will see "Teacher Tube." The links underneath will take you to some video/song resources to use for certain topics. The two I currently have are about geometry and multiplication. The geometry song uses items children encounter in their lives so they can relate to it. Both have pictures and some words so they can be fantastic tools for ESL students!

Fun, Fun, Fun!

In our classroom we approach math in several different ways. Those ways include working with the teacher, independent practice, math games and workshops.

One thing students really love are math games. This gives them the opportunity to be active in their learning and it really keeps them interested. As surprising as it may be games are a fantastic way to develop mathematical reasoning!


This website has some great games for kids. Just be careful because some of them are a little harder than they look so you may want to help your child find appropriate games. One of the games I really enjoy is called Building Blocks which requires students to match up shapes.

This is also another site that provides some math games for children:


Parent Resource!

Parents this is for you! One way to get your children excited about math is if you are excited about math. In order to do that it's important to be up-to-date on what your little learner is exploring. Everyday Math is similar to the activities we do in the classroom. This website is a huge resource for parents. It's organized by grade level and allows you to see what goals we are trying to accomplish in the classroom. It will also provide you with ways to help with homework.


Hello Class!

Welcome fellow teachers, parents and friends! My hopes of this blog is to share and inform you of fun activities, resources and other websites that will help you succeed in math! Opportunities for math should be provided not only in the classroom but outside of it as well. I hope this blog is a helpful tool in doing that.

Feel free to comment on any of the resources I provide or share your own. I would love to hear from you! If you don't want to leave a public comment you may email me anytime.